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By Lora Blandon

What is Compositing?

One of the best ways of living entails reusing all the things in your life. There are many things in your life that can be used many times over. You might not be aware of some of the things that can be reused around your home, including the items that are ideal for composting.

Composting is one of the best forms of reuse that you can enjoy at your home. Composting entails the production of organic matter that may work as a soil conditioner. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30 percent of what we throw away and could be composted instead. Here are some more stats:

You will have to note how well you can get your compost pile ready for use. You have to look at how your compost bin will work and that it can handle enough air without being hard to support. But you must also look at how well you will maintain the bin while ensuring you avoid adding anything that might otherwise be difficult to support where you are.

How Does Composting Work?

Composting is a practice that entails many organic wastes in your home being broken down. This works with a few steps:

1. Organic waste materials go inside a storage bin. The bin will be on top of the soil.

2. Oxygen will enter the bin through a distinct mechanism. The oxygen may enter when the bin is opened, but some slots or other openings may be incorporated.

3. Microorganisms that come from the soil will gradually devour the waste and break it down into its basic parts.

4. The compost produced is a fiber and carbon-based humus compound. The humus includes nitrogen, potassium, and other inorganic nutrients.

5. Your compost material will be ideal for your soil.

You can use the hummus as an organic fertilizer for your yard, garden bed, trees, or anything else around your yard.

Composting is a green way of maintaining waste, not to mention it can help you keep your yard looking beautiful after a while. But you must look at how well you’re going to get the work going.

What Makes Composting Useful?

Composting works by taking many of the organic materials in your household and having them break down into a material that conditions the soil around your yard. The positives surrounding composting are worth exploring:

  • You can reduce the total amount of solid waste that you produce in your home. The amount of material that goes into a landfill will be reduced thanks to composting.
  • The composting process reduces the amount of methane gas being produced in the environment. This is a great positive for the air, as it prevents pollution from being a threat.
  • You don’t have to spend all that much on composting. Composting is essentially free when planned out well enough.
  • Your soil’s structure will improve when you compost your old items. The soil’s texture improves, thus helping to soil retain its necessary nutrients.
  • Water will stay in your soil as well. The root systems around your grass will improve. Water runoff and erosion will be less frequent.

The work that you put in for composting will ensure your yard looks its best. But you will have to follow the appropriate steps for composting to make it all work. The good news is that it’s not as difficult for you to care for your yard as you might assume it could be.

What Will You Compost? (Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio)


Composting is a great way to keep your garden healthy and alive. This all-natural fertilizer provides food for the earth while helping reduce waste on its own!

You can use any organic material as long as you’re sure it won’t harm plants when exposed directly or in water (leaves are often chemically changed during digestion). The only thing that’s important about these ingredients, though? That they have high levels of carbon –like branches, stems dried, leaves, peels, bits, wood bark, dust,  sawdust, pellets, shredded brown paper bags, corn stalks, coffee filters, conifer, needles, and eggshells can serve as a perfect ingredient for composing.

A healthy compost pile should have much more carbon than nitrogen.


When you make a compost pile, the proper proportions of carbon and nitrogen will result in an active environment for bacteria. Too much green material makes your worms’ home smell good but can also slow down decomposition because oxygen cannot penetrate deeply through it all at once. There should be about one-third of brown materials like dry leaves or grass clippings added into this mix as well so that they provide cover from predators looking to eat up any new life form beneath them! When you make a compost pile, the proper proportions of carbon and nitrogen will result in an active environment for bacteria. Too much green material makes your worms’ home smell good but can also slow down decomposition because oxygen cannot penetrate deeply through it all at once. There should be about one-third of brown materials like dry leaves or grass clippings added into this mix as well so that they provide cover from predators looking to eat up any new life form beneath them!

The first part of composting is to know what you’re going to compost. You can compost various items for your needs, but some of these have specific needs that must be met before you start:

  1. Produce rinds, including melon rinds, banana peels, carrot peelings, and more
  2. Grass clippings; be certain that the grass isn’t diseased
  3. Fresh leaves; avoid dead leaves
  4. Tea leaves and bags
  5. Coffee grounds and filters
  6. Eggshells
  7. Straw
  8. Cooked pasta; make sure the pasta is plain
  9. Dead plants; make sure these plants are not diseased
  10. Shredded paper materials, including old newspapers
  11. Nutshells; do not use walnut shells, as they can harm the compost
  12. Old branches and twigs; make sure they are chopped up well
  13. Wood chips
  14. Cardboard tubes; include tubes from toilet paper, paper towels, or wrapping paper
  15. Used napkins; make sure the debris on the napkins can easily break down

The key part of these compounds is that they can decompose naturally while being composted. These will produce nitrogen and carbon as they break down.

You would have to break these apart well enough to produce a good result. The compounds need to be broken apart well enough to produce the best possible results when finding a clean solution for your work needs when getting your compost pile ready.

Where Does the Compost Go?

For composting to work, you’ll have to get an appropriate composting receptacle to help. A compost bin will support the materials you use for composting, but you will have to review how well the setup works.

Plastic Bin
Wooden Bin
Indoor Unit

A useful compost bin works as a convenient space for supporting your compost. You can work with one of many options for finding a compost bin. These have plenty of convenient points to note, but there are some concerns for each to review:

1. Plastic Bin

A plastic bin can be useful for your work needs. A plastic bin can secure your items well and can be outfitted with a mesh guard or other features to keep pests from getting in. But it may be difficult to turn the compost at times, not to mention the circulation may not always be helpful.

2. Wooden Bin

A wooden bin can be made in various shapes. You can establish a bin by affixing a few wood slats together. Again, wire mesh can work for your security. You can get a wood bin that is easy to secure in an affixed place, not to mention it may be easier for you to access the contents inside your compost pile. But you would have to ensure the bin is placed in the right spot, as it may be difficult for you to move the bin unless you remove the wood slats from the soil and move them to some other place.

3. Indoor Unit

An indoor model can also help. A small indoor compost unit can provide a convenient space for handling small items. Some indoor models are designed with motors or batteries that can review the conditions for composting and adjust the inside climate to the optimal level. But you’d need extra energy to get one of these ready, not to mention an indoor model won’t store as much as something you’d keep outside.

Planning Your Bin

Knowing what you will do for your bin is essential to your success when getting it ready. You’ll have to plan out a few things surrounding your bin after you figure out where it will go:

1. Review the amount of air that will go in your bin

There should be enough oxygen moving in to ensure the microorganisms on the inside can move about and consume the materials.

2. See how well your compost bin can take in water

You can afford to have some moisture in the bin, but it should not be soaking wet.

3. Look at how well you’re going to add things inside the bin

The bin should only have small pieces. Anything big should be cut up to where it will break down faster.

4. Be aware of how well the soil is functioning

The soil should be at least six to eight inches deep. This should be enough room to improve upon how well the compost can break down.

5. Look at the amount of sunlight that would get in the way of your compost bin

The bin should get enough shade so where it won’t overheat. Although sunlight may help with warming the compost pile during the winter season, it can also cause excess stress in the summer.

6. The areas around the compost bin should be capable of draining well

Drainage is necessary for ensuring any water that gets in the compost bin will not stick for a while. Anything that stays for too long could be harmful.

7. Aim to place your pile downwind from your house

As you might assume, your compost pile can produce some unappealing odors that are difficult to support. The odors can get in your home if the pile is not produced in the right place. Make sure the pile is downwind from your home, so it will not have its odors get in your way and make things harder than needed.

Making Compost the Right Way

Now that you have an idea of what to do for composting, you can start producing the compost your yard needs. Here’s a look at what you can do:
1. Add about four inches of straw, twigs, or hay at the bottom. The compounds should be easy for microorganisms to enter.
2. Add leaves, old paper materials, old coffee and tea items, and eggshells on top. Keep this layer about four inches thick.
3. You can apply a small bit of garden soil over these two layers.
4. Add about four inches of produce peelings and rinds as well as old grass clippings. Any organic green item can work provided it is healthy and safe to add.
5. Add a small bit of water to moisten everything. Make sure you don’t add too much water.
6. You can add alternating layers of compost to your bin until it becomes full.
7. Turn the compost material in every few days. You can turn it on occasion to ensure the materials will break down faster.

The timing for making compost will vary based on what you are working with. It can take a few weeks or even a couple of months for you to produce your compost all the way. The key is to ensure you maintain your compost bin and that you apply the right materials inside your bin. You’ll have an easier time producing your compost when working on it well enough.

What to Avoid Adding?

You’ll have an easier time getting more out of your compost pile if you avoid adding certain things. Some of the items that you could add will slow down the composting process, as they are items that might be difficult to break down. These items that you should avoid adding include the following materials:

  1. Meat products, including the attached bones
  2. Fatty materials, including ones from animals and from other sources
  3. Whole eggs, including the stuff inside the eggshells
  4. Dairy products
  5. Fecal matter
  6. Pernicious or invasive weeds
  7. Charcoal and ashes coming from it
  8. Wood materials or other items that have been chemically treated

These are all compounds that may be dangerous to handle. They might not break apart as well as they should, thus making it harder for you to get your compost to come about well enough.

What You’ll Do With Your Compost?

Knowing how to produce compost is essential to your life. You’ll find many things that can be done with your compost if you know how to plan it all out well enough.

The compost may be used for many purposes:

  • You can apply your compost around your house plants and other growths to produce extra nutrients.
  • Any new planting areas that you want to add things in can benefit from having added compost all around.
  • Compost may go around trees as a useful groundcover material, not to mention the compost can add nutrients to trees that need to grow.
  • Compost may also work as a lawn top dressing.
  • You can adjust your soil by using compost. The compound works as a natural soil amendment. It can be used in lieu of other fertilizers that may not be balanced for your yard’s requirements.

Whatever the case is, you can find that your compost will work in many forms. You can use compost to help you plan a great look that adds a nice touch.

What Will the Final Product Look Like?

compost final product

The end result of your work should be consistent. The compost should have a small size and should have an earthy-like scent to it. The compost should also have a dark appearance. A black or dark brown look should be good enough for giving your compost a quality look.

You should not recognize any of the materials, as they should have broken down well enough. It is fine for a bit of a branch or leaf to stick out among other things, but there should not be all that much for you to work with. You should have an easy time moving the final product into your soil without hassle. Be sure you notice this well enough when finding something that fits in with your needs.

A Final Note

Being capable of producing compost well enough is a skill that you will appreciate having. You will need to make more out of your compost to ensure that your yard receives the help it deserves.

You can get a quality compost bin ready while also using the right materials for the pile. The effort you put into the work should be noted well based on what fits in for your yard and how well everything looks. You’ll be impressed with what you can get out of your compost pile when you make everything work outright.

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